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More ways to save with PolicyScout –

Browse your personalized offers below to see how you can save $100s annually for better benefits than you pay for right now.

life insurance savings group
Get your free quotes and consultation today!
  • Up to $25K in coverage for less than $1/day
  • Money to pay for funeral costs, credit cards, and monthly bills
  • No Exams! Guaranteed acceptance if you're 50-80 years old
Get Your Free Online Quote →
everyday life
The smart life insurance that saves you money
  • Protect your loved ones with life insurance today
  • Save 20-30% on life insurance
  • Customized quote in under 3 mins
  • Protect your family with a life insurance plan designed to fit your budget and your goals
Save More with Everyday Life

Secure your Identity

  • Your plan is backed by $1,000,000 insurance policy to cover eligible losses and fees due to identity theft.
  • Get alerted if your registered online accounts have been breached or found on the Dark Web.
  • Get near real-time alerts of inquires into your credit files across Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian.
Save 50% of Aura Identity
Questions about using PolicyScout?

Why use PolicyScout?

If you're shopping for a new insurance policy, you want to be sure that you've evaluated all your options. As an independent voice in the insurance landscape, PolicyScout has evaluated the big players in the industry so we can help you find the policy for you and your family.

What makes PolicyScout different?

When you purchase insurance straight from a carrier, it's hard to know if you're truly selecting the most valuable option. As an independent website, PolicyScout can suggest the most suitable company for each situation. And because of insurance regulations, you'll never pay more to purchase a policy through us than you would through a carrier directly.