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More ways to save with PolicyScout –
Browse your personalized offers below to see how you can save $100s annually for better benefits than you pay for right now.
Get your free quotes and consultation today!
- Up to $25K in coverage for less than $1/day
- Money to pay for funeral costs, credit cards, and monthly bills
- No Exams! Guaranteed acceptance if you're 50-80 years old
The smart life insurance that saves you money
- Protect your loved ones with life insurance today
- Save 20-30% on life insurance
- Customized quote in under 3 mins
- Protect your family with a life insurance plan designed to fit your budget and your goals
Secure your Identity
- Your plan is backed by $1,000,000 insurance policy to cover eligible losses and fees due to identity theft.
- Get alerted if your registered online accounts have been breached or found on the Dark Web.
- Get near real-time alerts of inquires into your credit files across Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian.
Questions about using PolicyScout?