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Common Auto Insurance insurance questions –
What does auto insurance cover?
Generally speaking, most basic auto insurance policies include bodily injury liability, property damage liability, and personal injury protection. Collision, comprehensive, and uninsured/underinsured motorist protection are also popular choices.Is auto insurance a requirement?
Most states in the U.S. do require some form of auto insurance coverage, except for two states: New Hampshire and Virginia. Otherwise, each state has minimum liability coverage that a car owner must carry.Are there different types of auto insurance coverage?
Yes, most insurance policies represent six types of auto insurance coverage: auto liability coverage, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, comprehensive coverage, collision coverage, medical payments coverage, and personal injury protection. Other types of car insurance coverage include rental, gap, new car replacement, ridesharing coverage, and more.How long does it take to get an auto insurance quote?
With Policy Scout, you can get an auto insurance quote in seconds! Click here to get your free quote today.Does my credit score affect my insurance premiums?
Most of the time, auto insurance companies use credit-based insurance scores to determine your premiums. It’s not necessarily about having a good score as much as that the insurance company is looking at specific aspects to assess the risk of potential losses. For example, insurance companies tend to look at payment history, length of credit history, and types of under 5 minutes.
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Why use PolicyScout?
If you're shopping for a new insurance policy, you want to be sure that you've evaluated all your options. As an independent voice in the insurance landscape, PolicyScout has evaluated the big players in the industry so we can help you find the policy for you and your family.
What makes PolicyScout different?
When you purchase insurance straight from a carrier, it's hard to know if you're truly selecting the most valuable option. As an independent website, PolicyScout can suggest the most suitable company for each situation. And because of insurance regulations, you'll never pay more to purchase a policy through us than you would through a carrier directly.